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Members of the diplomatic community, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming to the 27th Anniversary of the Democratic Progressive Party. We are honored by your presence.(各國駐台使節與外交圈的好朋友們、各位貴賓、各位女士、各位先生,大家好!感謝各位蒞臨民主進步黨第27屆黨慶外交使節酒會,你們的出席讓本黨蓬蓽生輝!)

27 years ago, we founded the DPP. Those were the days when martial law was still in effect, and freedom and human rights were suppressed. Those were the days when we marched in the street to fight for democracy. And those were the days when the KMT government was finally forced to lift martial law and to abolish the rule by emergency decree. Taiwan democracy is not yet perfect, as manifested by recent political events. However, it is our duty to bring the democracy back on the right track.(27年前民主進步黨成立之際,仍值戒嚴時期,自由與人權深受壓制。當時本黨人士為了爭取民主走上街頭,終於促成國民黨政府解除戒嚴,並終止動員戡亂時期。然而最近台灣政治的發展證明,現今的台灣民主仍未臻完善,有賴我們共同努力將台灣民主帶回正軌。)

I am pleased to inform you, since we met last year, our legislators and county and city mayors have out-ranked and out-performed their peers and enjoy very high marks and approval ratings in every single survey. As you can see, we may not be the largest political party, but in terms of performance, the DPP is the best in the eyes of the Taiwan people. (在此我很欣慰地向各位說明,自從去年本黨黨慶使節酒會以來,民主進步黨縣、市長與立法委員的執政和問政表現,遠較其他政黨更為優秀。如此良好治理的表現也獲得各項民意調查的肯定。誠如各位所見,民主進步黨雖非最大政黨,但是在台灣人民眼中,絕對是表現最好的政黨。)

I have served as the Chair of the DPP for a little more than a year. During this brief period, the DPP has strengthened its local organizations and improved coordination with our legislative caucus. We have rolled out a compassionate economic reform package to stimulate our economy. We have joined hands with journalists, professors and students to stop a media monopoly from taking place. (在我擔任民主進步黨主席一年多來,我們強化了地方組織以及與立法院黨團的協調;我們提出振興經濟方案來刺激台灣經濟成長;我們更與新聞人、大學教授、學生攜手阻止媒體壟斷的發生。)

We have taken the lead in public discussions, and proposed reform measures: on the near-bankrupt pension systems, on much needed renewable energy, and on the confusing 12-year compulsory education proposal. We have also published four defense blue papers to highlight our seriousness on national defense. We have done so because we are more than just an opposition; we are ready to shoulder responsibility for Taiwan’s future. (我們也在各項改革方案上引領民意討論,包括:針對瀕臨破產的年金制度改革、提出更迫切的替代能源選項、以及12年國民義務教育等。此外,我們也發表四本國防政策藍皮書以彰顯本黨對國防的重視。凡此種種努力不僅是為了發揮最大在野黨之功能,更是為了承擔本黨未來重新執政的責任。)

Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, here I would like to present to you the “Green New Deal” as the DPP’s pledge for Taiwan’s future: sustainable development, good governance, social justice, and democratic alliance. (各位貴賓、各位女士、各位先生,在此本人要向各位提出民主進步黨對台灣未來的願景,那就是「綠色新政」。它包含四項目標:永續發展、良好治理、公平正義與民主同盟。)

We have always supported environment protection and a nuclear-free homeland. As you are well aware, we are now working hard to stop the controversial and potentially dangerous 4th Nuclear Power Plant. We will push hard on renewable energy sources. In particular, we will promote something Taiwan is very good at: LED and LVD lighting and the use of solar panels.(本黨始終支持環境保護與建立非核家園,各位也知道本黨刻正致力於停止興建不安全的核四廠。我們將推動替代再生能源,特別是台灣最有潛力的LED與LVD燈以及太陽能板產業。)

We have recently concluded a comprehensive review of the past DPP Administration. We have also learned from the mistakes of the current one. I promise you, when the DPP comes back to power, good governance will always be on the top of our priority list.(此外,本黨最近也舉辦一系列針對過去八年執政經驗的總檢討,同時我們也嚴肅地注意現今政府執政所犯下的諸多錯誤。我在此向各位保證,民主進步黨若重新執政,良好治理絕對是我們最優先的執政目標。)

Social justice is also our top priority. The recent dispute over land acquisition and Service Trade Agreement with China, the death of a young soldier, and the possible collapse of pension systems warrant our even harder efforts. The DPP will work relentlessly to ensure reform takes place.(社會正義同樣是本黨優先重視的課題。最近有關土地徵收正義、兩岸服務貿易協議、軍中虐兵致死案例,以及年金體系可能破產等事件,在在證明我們必須付出更大的努力。民主進步黨將堅定進行這些攸關社會正義的改革。)

Democracy is our core value. We will not only consolidate our democracy domestically, but expand our relations internationally based on this precious value. In the past few months, I have taken overseas trips to Japan, the US, Canada, and more, to advance our democratic alliance. I am glad to have received very positive responses. I will continue to press this alliance forward whenever I have a chance.(民主是我們的核心價值。本黨不僅致力於台灣自身民主的鞏固,也基於此一無價的信仰來擴展本黨的國際關係。過去幾個月來,我訪問了日本、美國、加拿大與其他國家,進一步深化民主同盟。我很欣慰此一目標獲得國際積極的回應,只要我有機會,本黨將繼續催生此一民主同盟的強化。)

I know you call the DPP green. Yes, the DPP is about green environment, green energy, green industry, and a green island country economically and politically. To us, green is clean, green is refreshing, green is sustainable, and green is good. The DPP will be all about a Green New Deal.(各位都熟知民主進步黨代表綠色。民主進步黨的確致力於綠色環保、綠色能源、綠色產業,以及建立一座政治與經濟的綠色島國。對本黨而言,綠色代表乾淨、清新、永續以及良善。因此民主進步黨的願景就是綠色新政。)

There are important events ahead of us. In particular, local elections are right around the corner. We are confident in taking on the challenges especially when DPP support is consistently higher than that of others. Yes, the DPP is coming back—better, stronger and greener than ever.(未來我們面臨許多重大議程,最重要的就是即將到來的地方選舉。民主進步黨的社會支持度高於其他政黨,所以我們有信心克服這些挑戰。民主進步黨將要重新執政,而且會比過去執政做得更好、立場更堅定、也會各加地綠色永續執政!)

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, now I would like to propose a toast to all of you: to friendship! Cheers! Thank you very much.(各位貴賓、各位女士、各位先生,現在請和我共同舉杯,祝我們的友誼長存!乾杯!謝謝大家!)

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